The 2017 IEEE International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA 2017)

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The 2017 IEEE International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA 2017) has been organized since 2005. It aims to bring together the researchers from the entire spectrum of the multi-disciplinary fields of intelligent systems and establish effective means of communication between them. In particular, it focuses on all aspects of intelligent systems and the related applications, from the points of view of both theory and practice. Apart of the main track it includes work-shops, tutorials, special sessions and plenary talks by invited speakers.

The conference will be hosted in Gdynia, known for its picturesque seashore. Gdynia is a part of Tricity, which also includes thousand-year-old Gdansk, Poland's cultural gem, and Sopot, a health - resort.

INISTA 2017 is organized by Gdynia Maritime University, Poland, in cooperation with Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, IEEE Poland SectionPolish Chapter IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and IEEE SMC TC on Computational Collective Intelligence.

Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, available on IEEE Xplore and submitted to be indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection databases. The authors of selected best papers will be invited to extend their contributions for special issues.

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